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Smith Guard DOGS

Dads of GREAT Students

What is Smith Guard DOGS?


The Smith Guard DOGS  are fathers, grandfathers, step-fathers, uncles and other father-figures who volunteer to spend a day at the school helping out and having fun. You'll eat lunch and attend specials with your child(ren), provide a fatherly presence at the school, collect high-fives and help out where needed. The program helps provide positive male role models for the students, demonstrating by their presence that education is important. Meanwhile, we provide extra sets of eyes and ears to enhance school security, reduce bullying and provide a greater sense of campus safety allowing students and teachers to focus on learning. It's easy, fun and a great way to bond with your kids.

  • Smith Guard DOGS Coordinator: Artem Neretin


  • Who can sign up? 

    • Fathers

    • Grandfathers

    • Step-fathers

    • Uncles

    • Other father-figures

  • You MUST complete your FISD background check here.

  • Need to sign up? Contact Artem or complete the form below

Smith Guard DOGS Schedule

2024 - 2025

Who Let The D.O.G.S out?

Smith Guard DOGS Shirts - Available to order here (Coming soon)

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